Hi Ken:

You asked for an all-time favorite bee book. My favorite all time bee-book
read is also ‘The Queen Must Die’. Longood freely admits in the preface to
anthropomorphism. Well, so what.....

Back in July John Sturman asked for a list of beekeeper’s top ten books
that new beekeeper's might want. Unfortunately it seemed to me to have
ended up as an argument over which were better books--old books or new

Eva Crane’s book ‘Bees and Beekeeping Science, Practice and World
Resources’ in my opinion ranks right at the top of a list of beekeeping
books to have. A most excellent book. Unfortunately it went out of print a
few years back, but copies are still obtainable from used booksellers.

‘The Hive and the Honey Bee’ is sometimes referred to as the beekeeper’s
bible. All kinds of beekeeping information. It’s index could be improved a
bit, but still a book to have for your library.

Mark Winston’s ‘The Biology of the Honey Bee’ is very readable and

Dewey Caron’s book ‘Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping’ is another book I
have and like.

Diana Sammataro’s ‘The Beekeeper’s Handbook’ is considered by many to be
one of the best beginner beekeeping manuals.

A good reference book to have on Honey Bee Pests, Predators, & Diseases is
a book by the same title edited by Roger A. Morse and Kim Flottum

‘Value Added Products from Bee Keeping’ has lots of useful information and
is the U.N. FAO Agricultulral Services Bulletin No. 124. It can be read
and/or copied from here:


Finally, although I don’t own a copy of ‘Beekeeping for Dummies’ by Howland
Blackiston, I checked out our library’s copy a few months back. Some people
are put off by the title, but it seemed to me to be another decent
beginning beekeeper manual.

Dick Allen

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