----- Original Message -----
From: "Timothy Eisele" <[log in to unmask]>

> This year, most of my hives put up honey during August, when the primary
> blooms in the area seemed to be tansy, goldenrod, and spotted knapweed.
> The honey is a medium amber, and it has an interesting "fruity" flavor
> that I never noticed in previous years.  I don't know what is responsible
> for the flavor, but it is selling very well at $6 for a 10-ounce jar :-)

FWIW we don't have any tansy or goldenrod here but I plant buckwheat to
bloom the same time as the knap weed, which is rapidly taking over the
county.  The honey taken from that flow varies from amber to dark amber, and
is just 'about the best flavored honey we've ever tasted.  Our buyers seem
to agree...


Skip & Christy Hensler
Newport, WA

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