Gee... a new beekeeper posts his own astute
observations, and all he gets is picky criticisms.

Mr. Wiegel, please excuse the poor manners of
our colleagues.

1)  Welcome to Bee-L.

2)  Being observant is a good thing, and YES
    this is a very good place to describe and
    speculate on your observations, ideas,
    and thoughts.

3)  Despite initial appearances, everyone here DOES
    like you.  How can we NOT like you?  You are
    a beekeeper.

4)  While you may at times feel offended, insulted,
    abused, confused, misused, or belittled by what
    is said here, this is only because everyone
    respects everyone enough to not throw underhand

5)  You can search the archives to find out about traditional
    approaches, but when doing so, recall that "tradition" is
    nothing but an innovation that worked.


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