In message <sf3204f3.095@MDA-GRP>, Blane White <[log in to unmask]>
>Hi Everyone,
>Robin says to feed the bees honey and Bob says to feed syrup.
Poor old Robin. He has stuck his head over the parapet and is well and
truly getting it. I wonder if he is claiming only that the winter honey
stores they collect are better for them than sugar syrup on the grounds
that nature knows better than humans in the long term. The problem with
a sweeping big value and anything you deduce from it is that it is
liable to dissection using logical positivist science (often, but not
always reductionist), and which does not measure everything anyway. He
also has spoken in metaphor, which will not be easy if you prefer facts
and logic. An open List like this one needs to accommodate intuitive and
feeling talk as well as talk based on logical and data. It isn't easy.
James Kilty

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