From:                   Bob Harrison <[log in to unmask]>

>  OSR (Canola) is the first proper crop. Best got out of the system asap.
> I am setting hives on organic canola being used for seed production. I
> have never had experience with Canola. Any advice from the list such as?
> Handling of honey or hives per acre?

    Great for raising queens/nucs, as you have both a honeyflow and
high grade pollen. Honey is pretty, but peppery tasting, which I
don't care for, and it sets up in a few days. Almost impossible to
extract once it sets up. I've mostly used it as feed (in the frame)
for spring nucs. I would not want the bees to winter on it.

   Here, it is planted in the fall. The bloom is very early and is
unaffected by frost.

Dave Green    SC  USA
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