Whatta day!  The normal hiss of the bee yard rose quickly this
morning to a crescendo. I woulda thought a swarm was leaving, if it
hada happened a couple weeks ago. There were so many bees in the air!
But they were a haulin' it in!

   We had scattered frost yesterday morning, and expected some
damage, but there doesn't seem to be any. Cherry is in bloom, and
being heavily worked, as is dewberry. There's also toadflax,
wisteria, some remaining plum, and a whole lot of other things. When
you tilt a frame to look at the brood you get a sticky pant leg.

   The bees totally ignored me as I worked, almost to the point where
it was hurting my feelings. Then about 4:30 I came to a hive that
didn't ignore me, and I felt better.

Dave in SC  USA
(Retired beekeeper, but they still allow me on the premises)
The Pollination Page:  http://pollinator.com

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