George Imirie has spoken about his preferences regarding when to re-queen, as have others.  George prefers Fall re-queening (Sep. 1), in an area that relies predominantly on the Spring flow.  I live in central Vermont, where the most notable (wild) flows are dandelion in May (very heavy but short), and goldenrod/aster in Sep-Oct (heavy and long), which generally subsides around the first week in Oct.  There are, of course, lesser flows pretty much throughout the summer, with a nectar dearth around the end of July.

At the risk of starting an endless debate on this topic, I'm wondering:   

1)  Does Fall re-queening makes sense in the Northeast, or is Spring the preferred route for most?  
2)  When during each period - after the dandelion flow for Spring, or before the goldenrod/aster flow in Fall?  

3)  Would re-queening make any sense during the July/August lull?

Thanks in advance,


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