What i've heard is that the bees will sometimes panic and boil out of the
hive when exposed to formic acid. Application
 and success rate is highly depending on temperature and air circulation
within the hive. Maybe someone else with first
 hand experience can share some more information on this.

I have been involved in extensive formic acid trials at a university over the
past 3 years, involving hundreds of hives. I have never seen the bees boil
out. In fact, I have never seen any harm done, aside from an occasional bee
getting caught inside the plastic bag we used to contain the pad.

We used a fiber board pad soaked with formic, placed above the frames inside
a one inch deep rim. The cover and rim is duct taped in place to keep the
fumes from escaping. But it is up to the bee industry to get formic on the
market. I don't know what the status of that effort is these days.


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