In message <[log in to unmask]>, Peter
Borst <[log in to unmask]> writes
>I have searched
>high and low and so far have not found reports of large scale trials. There
>appear to be very glowing claims associated with thymol products, mostly made
>by people who sell it. I am looking for unbiased evidence that it does or
>does not work, that's all.
I shall be doing some before and after mite fall measures - alas I lost
many of my before samples in a fire. Subjectively it does work. Spring
assessments will confirm how well. So far I am using Apiguard (approx
1/3 thymol in 2/3 gel) only when mite numbers warrant it. I am not too
worried about high effectiveness, at the 90% level or better, as I am
also looking for bees that bite varroa legs off. Where this has been
selected for, it does improve to the 60% level or higher (Wallner, Lips,
James Kilty

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