Sincere apologies are due to one of the trade rags.  I guess to both for
calling them "rags", but that's not MY term.  I was writing late at night
and had not the time (truthfully, not the inclination) to hit my library
(especially because my cataloging system is wherever there is spare room in
my large Victorian home - 15 rooms for my dog and I) to find which stellar
publication (one less stellar than the other (note I'm not saying which
shines brighter, and no offense meant to the also-runs swift competitor) to
find which trade, eh, industry magazine it was that ran the multi-part
article on "depopulating" hives.  I meant no offense to either (or ANY)
publication and I was careful not to cast aspersions on the author, didn't
even give his initials (C.arl W.enner) and only meant to voice my intense
aversion to the concept of "evicting - depopulation - slaughtering your
bees").  My intent was to  inspire discussion on the possibility of adapting
Dr. Frugala's methods to today's times and beekeeping environment.
Apologies to all but the bee snuffers.  In the meantime, any input on the
contemplated Frugala revisions?

Aaron Morris - thinking the power of the pen if more than one may realize!