Frank asked how to 'efficiently' purify hundreds of pounds of beeswax to a
candle grade.

First, what is a candle grade?  Roger Morris once told me how to tell is to
burn some.  If it smokes, drips, or both, the level of impurities are too
high.  Candles made following of the replies that I have seen so far on
Bee-L will not meet this least for processing 'hundreds' of

I only know of two relatively SAFE ways of processing large quantities of
beeswax to a true candle grade.  One is to buy the Maxant Series 900 Wax
Processing tank.  Around $600, I think.  978-772-0576.  It works by
vigorously boiling wax and water, allowing the gunk to fall to the bottom,
then draining off the pure wax on the top.  This is a large self-contained
and self-heated unit that really does the job.

The second method, which is considered a closely-guarded secret by some, is
to use the same kind of filtering device used for processing maple syrup.
As these devices are 'mass produced'  they are relatively inexpensive for
the amounts they can safely process.  The entire filtration line is
constantly heated, which is a requirement when working with beeswax.  A
variety of filtration devices can be used, including diatomaceous earth.
Should you choose to go that far, you can produce 'white' beeswax (its
natural color) as the diatomaceous earth will remove the grains of pollen
that gives beeswax its 'normal' yellow color.  Many companies manufacture
this equipment.  As a start, try Dominion & Grimm.  802-893-3487.

Hope this helps,
Lloyd Spear, Owner of Ross Rounds, manufacturer of comb honey equipment
for beekeepers and Sundance pollen traps.
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