Hello all beekeepers out there.

Can someone tell me what a "chinese grafting tool" looks like? I use the
Jenter system myself, but one of my develpment projects for next summer is
to learn how to graft queens cells "for real". I have this plastic grafting
needle that i bought a few years back and i tried it this summer, but it
seemed to be to clumsy to get the job properly done.

I heard of someone who grafts very successfully with a fine watercolor pen.
Any experiences with that?

Another question for those of you who raise your own queens: do you put cell
protectors on the queen cells just after they've been capped? I have been
doing this, and i suspect it's the root of my very low success rate. I get
plenty of cells, but most of them contain dead and not fully developed
queens. Could it be that the nursing bees are unable to keep a cell inside a
protector warm enough?

/Mats Andersson, Stockholm Sweden