Roy writes:

. So far ,
>  unheated, unfiltered local honey  has kept me in business. I have a
>  large number over 300 + have told me that it has helped them and they
>  are off of medication. It stands to reason that what you put into your
>  body will work with your body to protect it from what is outside causing
>  the problem. ( that's if it is Natural ) .

Like Roy I also sell a lot of raw honey to people with allergies.

I was wondering since Ragweed does not produce nectar but does produce an
incredible quantity of pollen. Could the pollen be gathered (plastic bag over
the plant then shake the plants to dislodge the pollen) and added to a
quantity of honey and mixed in before bottling was to take place.

This honey could then be sold a a value added product (lets say $6.00 lb.)

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
