Blane and Rich,

Thanks, and you've succeded is shaking my certainty somewhat, which is a
good thing. I had a lot of foul brood in Santa Barbara County in the 80's
both in my hives and in the hives of Art Consur for whom I worked for
awhile. (I hear he's retired recently, some may know him).

When I stuck the twig into the dead larvae it was just as ropey, the color
was the same, and the stink, as you know, isn't something one smells
everywhere in nature :-). The scale at the bottom of the cell is also the

Where I'm at now is 30 minutes north of where I experienced it before, and
I hear from others that foul brood is a problem hear.

Having said that, I didn't get a test done. I guess what I should have left
one without the patties, but it goes against my nature ;-).
