I strongly encourage all who submit ideas to this list to change the subject
line to match the topic you wish to discuss.  I do not read every item sent
in, I base my decision to delete or read an item on the SUBJECT.  I just
finished reading 3 submissions which had nothing to do with the subject
line.  How much information that I am interested in reading do I miss
because the topic listed is not of interest??  I will never know, because I
have no desire to wade through each submission to see if it is really about
what the subject line indicates.
Please, please, please, do not just hit reply on a random message.  Take the
time to change the subject line to reflect the topic.
I enjoy this list, have learned a lot, and intend to learn more, but when
the subject indicated does not match the subject discussed, I will continue
to miss out on what may be items that are important to me.
Bill Van Roekel