Once in South Africa I was watching a hive of Scuts that I had by my
garage. They were used to people, and fairly gentle, and standing there
something seemed wrong. Then it occured to me, with my jaw dropping and
eyes big, that they were all coming in, and none were going out at all. It
was warm, noonish and (as I realized in one of those flashes) unusually
still, no bugs chirping, etc.. In that moment of surrealism, I told my wife
that she had better take the clothes off the line, and I showed her what
the bees were doing. We spoke briefly about all those stories we had heard
about animals predicting earthquakes and such, and just as I was opening
the door for her to enter with the last of the laundry, one of those South
African hail storms hit. Wind to bend trees over, loudness, then hard rain.
No earthquake, and the storm soon passed, but, as they say, I'm now a

Anyone else?

Tim Vaughan