James suggests I read the article on New Zealand beekeeping. From the article:

>Beekeepers in New Zealand eliminate AFB by using routine and
>constant AFB inspection, managing their beehives in such a way that
>they reduce the spread of AFB, and destroying colonies that are
>found to have clinical infections of the disease.
>(clinical AFB hives are hives showing *visual* symptoms)
>The most important point the figures illustrate, however, is that it
>is possible using search and destroy inspections, hive and apiary
>quarantines, and beehive component sterilisation, to successfully
>eradicate the disease

Their program uses no drugs, but requires destruction of colonies
showing visible symptoms. All colonies in the country must be
registered, all beekeepers must comply. That would be impossible in
this country. Beekeepers don't want it, the government doesn't want
to do it, and there is no money for it.


Peter Borst <[log in to unmask]>