On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 10:21:38 EST, David Westervelt <[log in to unmask]>

E .
>  For the last 3 years my fathers company has been inps.They have ask all
>about the way he used the strips,if he was wearing gloves, did he have the
>LABLE with him when he was putting the strips in,What did he do with the
>used strips

My question is how did/does anyone dispose of these strips and conform with
the label.  the label I have says to wrap in newspapers and dispose in a
sanitry land fill.  I don't know about the rest of the country but we
haven't had a landfill in Massachusetts in 20 years.
 when I used the formic acid gel packs the label stated if it all had
evaporated to put in a land fill or incinerator, so my interpetation of the
labels is that an incinerator is not a replacement for a land fill or they
would have included the incinerator on the check mite label. any
comments would be appreciated       mike bassett massachusetts