This was an email I received from a German scientist and beekeeper who had
asked for information on the polariscope mentioned in a previous post. I
thought the group might be interested in reading it.

Following up the bee list now for several years I am sometimes
 surprised that there is no distiction between facts and the own
 imagination (=it should be that way because I can not think in
 different terms). This than is taken as a religion. It makes no
 sense for a scientist to respond to such "non-proven pseudo-facts".
 This ist best shown by the recent discussion of overwinterung on
 different honey-sugar types. There are numerous scientific papers on
 it at least in my country; and the discussion out there is as if such
 information is non-existent. So the "informed discussion group" in
 reality is a discussion of mostly "non-informed bee keepers" and
 worse of those who do not know that they are "non-informed".