To help everyone understand the benefits of apitherapy.
Last year I have done a survey among some 100 M.S. patients in the US to be
able to find the real cause of this disabling disease for which doctors have
no answer. All of them were using APITHERAPY from 15 to 40 bee stings every
other day, and as a beekeeper myself. I have to say it takes courage to do
The benefit of bee venom is only to reduce the pain and as such some of the
discomfort that comes with Multiple Scleroses. Bee venom does by no means
cure M.S. since it is a mechanical disease as a result of ruptured sheaths
that contains the nerves of the human body.
The element in our daily food that cause these ruptures to occur is
UNDIGESTED animal fat, in particular from pork. It is such a pity that
millions of dollars are wasted for research by medical scientist, blaming
smoking,drinking, asbestos and even so many other outside causes.
The real cause of most if not all physical problems is no more and no less
than our daily food and in particular the way it is digested.
Our food contains 4 major elements: Sugar, Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates
and the clever scientists have already discovered that failure to digest
sugar causes diabetes. But what about the other three???
For more information see my web page at: or mail me direct at:
[log in to unmask] However I am only a homeopath/iridologist, in other words
a quack, so why should scientists listen to me. Besides doctors cannot make
money on food, chemical prescriptions are far more lucrative. On top of
that, they have no way to diagnose this failure to digest food elements.
John M. Vos, Naturopath/iridologist and hobby beekeeper.