Hello Everyone,

Tim Rich asked "I wonder what kind of hives that you use/have devised"

My hives are standard deep supers with 10 langstroth frames in each. The standard bottom board is screened with debris falling on the ground below the hives which are setting on pallets. I run a variety of bees with some on 4.9mm comb including Russian and Harbo breeders.

Another observation might prove useful to those testing this method. It appears the initial effectiveness of this treatment is enhanced if the bees are treated early in the morning before much flight activity occurs. Do more bees get the treatment? Maybe the varroa is more active or the bees less active? I don't know.

A good smoking of each box causing the bees to run after being dusting may also have a positive initial effect. 

A change in my work schedule resulted in working the bees earlier and with alot of smoke. Initial mite fall was greatly increased over working the bees in late afternoon with only an puff of smoke or two at the hive entrance.

Best Wishes
Dennis Murrell