On Sat, 19 May 2001 14:26:04 -0600, Allen Dick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Nobody should have to put up with queens that lack this essential
>characteristic and the consequent economic losses that result from
> AFB and chalkbrood.
>Demand hygienic queens from your supplier and make sure your suppliers
>are serious about breeding for this trait.  Ask questions.  Listen to
>the answers. Don't take no for an answer.  Buy where you *can* get
>straight answers and hygienic queens.

That was about a month ago, now.  How are we making out?

I get queens from two sources.  A major supplier in Hawaii and my
neighbours who raise cells.  My neighbours are doing careful hygienic tests
on their breeding stock and are happy to discuss the results of their
testing.  I don't know about the Hawaiians. I wrote my supplier there a
week or so ago and so far have received no reply at all.  Maybe the address
is NG.  I'll have to keep after them.

Have others on the list written or phoned suppliers to demand hygienic
stock?  What is your experience?

If we don't press for hygienic selection, we will continue to get bees that
are unnecessarily susceptible to common diseases and require expensive
chemical support -- have only ourselves to blame.

Has anyone on the list done any side-by-side tests between commercial
stocks using the pin test or liquid nitrogen?  I should this it would be
simple and enlightening for those who buy queens from several suppliers.
The results of such tests should be a real eye-opener.

I'm hoping that within a year we will be seeing regular reports from
members of this list comparing their experience with queens they buy and
test, naming names and giving credit to those breeders who get with the
program early on.

AFAIK, in the US, Pat Heikam is an early convert to the hygienic way of
doing things.  I am hoping that this is resulting in better prices and
strong demand for his queens.  Who else has hygienic stock, and have
members confirmed this with their own testing of the progeny?

If not, then why not?

Let's hear some feedback.
