If it pleases you, I would be happy to offer any information in my
possession you require on the African bee, AM scutellata. I work with
scuts on a daily basis. One question I would raise would be simply,
why has the scut been so demonised and its positive attributes
ignored? Its positive attributes are almost endless, and many such
attributes are totally lacking or partially lacking in other races of honey
bee. Examples include the scuts' inherent resistance to pests and
disease, eg, small hive beetle, and new problems (in Africa) such as
chalkbrood and EF. And so on. When you have so many good things
going for you, as the scut has, may not misbehaviour be understood,
or even expected, at least on occasion?

By the way, the jury is still out on verroa and the scut.

Barry Sergeant
South Africa