Hi Ernie;

My name is Dick Squires and I live in Reno, NV., - winters are cold (not as
cold as where you are), but normally winters temps are (lows) teens & 20's &
(high) 30's to 50's; summer temps are (lows) 40's to 50's & (highs) high
80's to low 90's.

The purpose of this letter is to find out your Carniolans Hive Management.
I believe you published to the group a "to do list" for the medicating &
procedures that you followed for managing your hives a couple of years ago.

I will be receiving my first shipment of Carniolans in late April early May
of this year; also, I am a beginner (new-bee).

I would appreciate if you could send me a listing of what month you do what
with your Carniolans relating to medications and/or any other information
that you deem appropriate for me.  I went to the archives to see if I could
find anything & I did not.  I realize this is an imposition on you, but I
would appreciate the assistance.

If anyone else in the group has suggestions, please advise.

Thanking you in advance.

Dick Squires
Reno, NV