Greetings to all beekeepers. My name is Arnold Hermoso and I live in one of the urban cities of Manila (least desirable area to start a colony :)). I am a Veterninary Med. student. I just started my first beekeeping adventure last week(only one colony). Here in the Philippines we have this almost all year round blooming season, so it's not that too late for me. Our major flow starts on late January until May.
I am more interested in sustainable beekeeping. So that I could help other less fortunate people here in my country. Most of beekeepers here are on the "commercial" side. I myself experienced it, I spent a huge amount of hard earn money just to attend a basic beekeeping seminar.
I hope some of you guys out there lend your knowledge and skills to help me to propagate the wonders and benefits of beekeeping here in my country. Most especially to our farmers, they're the most neglected entities in our country...
Well so much for my personal sentiments. I just hope I could gather enough information and help from this board. Beekeeping here in the Philippines has a very huge potential. But sad to say only few knows where the honey flow is...

More power to all... I am very sorry if I use my sting... God Bless :)

"Let us all  share our honey so that we could harvest more..."

Arnold "Anoy" Hermoso
