Hello All,
"Attack of the Killer Bees" are the first words in a article on page 36 of
the October 2000 "Outside" magazine. The article was wrote by  Michelle
Maybe Dr. Ericson or Dr. Kellum will remember talking to her as they are
quoted in her article.
I will only quote one sentance from the article so you can get the picture.
Within seconds,a black cloud of 15,000 furious *DRONES* poured out of a
nearby tree and smothered her face and upper body with over 500 stings."
The article has one picture of a bee closeup tring to make it appear scary
with the below caption
Slingshot: Apis mellifera scutella,in your face
The article was poorly done. Not even the name Scutellata was spelled
correctly so the reader could research the subject on their own. Also all
school childern are tought in school that drones have not got a stinger. I
guess Miss Pentz missed this small fact which should make most readers wary
of her article.
I do not blame Dr. Ericison or Dr. Kellum as reporters have misquoted many
people. I only caution all researchers and beekeepers to be on gaurd when
dealing with reporters.
Bob Harrison