Hello All,
If there are any collectors of old ABJ which might have the November 1931
issue I need for you to look on page 498 under the heading "larger size
bees" and tell me the name of the author. I don't expect the article to be
very in depth but would be interesting to know the content. The only other
collector i know hasn't got the copy either. I am missing five months
of 1931 and the other collector has no copys in 1931. Thanks!

Because of all the debate on cell size recently i will post the article and
the Dadant editor C.P.Dadants comments.

Bees not Necessarily Effected BY Cell Size by Milton G. Miller California
Jan. 1932

In the November 1931  issue,on page 498,under the heading"Larger size Bees"
there appears a editorial in which the idea is given of making larger cells
to produce larger bees. There seems to me to be no good reason to believe
that larger bees will be better bees. The honey bee is a very highly
developed form of life,and unless some new condition arises that will make a
larger bee more efficient,its size is right just as it is.

(we give this statement on the value of larger cells without offering a
decision either way. Let the matter be tested further by experiments. Sooner
or later we will get to a definite,positive opinion,one way or the
other.-C.P. Dadant editor Jan. 1932)

I submit the above as positive proof the beekeeping world was getting ready
to enlarge cell size in 1931. C.P.Dadant was saying what Barry Birkey is
saying that we need the matter tested by further experiments! To resolve
questions like
1 how large can we enlarge cells and queens lay worker brood?
2.What possible parasite problems might we cause?
3.Is a larger bee possible and will the tounge increase in length?
4.and the list went on!
I value the Jan. 1932 issue also because on page 32 is a article titled :
Missouri State Beekeepers Association formed. We are in our 68th year. For
interested Missouri beekeepers the article states the president then was
A.W.Cale and the assn. was formed through the efforts of Dr. K.C. Sullivan
and Mr. Diemer of Liberty,MO.
Bob Harrison