>Over the past four months, I have been stung a total of 3 times.  The first
>went away within a few days with less redness than a mosquito bite.  Three
>weeks ago, I was stung on the thumb.  At first, it appeared to be nothing.
>The following day my thumb began to swell. By that evening my thumb had
>ballooned. By the next morning, it was purple and ITCHY!

I've had hundreds of people work for me over the past quarter century and
never heard of anything like the following (an excerpt from my diary):

"Todd, it turns out, has had a strange reaction to a bee sting he received
right in the corner of his eye as he was leaving work last Friday.  On the
weekend, he called say that he had swelled up enough that he was unable to
see straight enough to come to work Monday.  Today his mother phoned to say
she had to take him to the hospital this morning when she saw him after he
got up.

"According to her description, his face is about twice its normal size and
he has started to swell in the arm and on foot.  I think they will be
consulting a specialist.

I've never heard of a systemic reaction that had such a delayed onset.

