There was an excellent article in this month's ABJ rating various smoker
fuels.  Bailing twine got very low marks due to heat at which it burns and
the tendency to give off burning embers.  Cautions about chemicals are also
good advice.

In a virtual dead heat for top smoker fuels were dried staghorn sumac bobs
and cedar shavings/wood chips.  Cedar shavings has long been my fuel of
choice, purchased at the local feed store sold as animal bedding.  Sumac
bobs are free for the taking, which might tip the scales for the number one
spot, but are a seasonal thing, which might tip the scales back towards
cedar shavings.

I attended a queen rearing class this weekend, where there were many lit
smokers and a variety of fuels.  I am sure there will be many converts to
cedar shavings.

Aaron Morris - thinking there's more than one way to stoke a smoker!