OK, now we know "Don's method".  Gotta say it looks like back yard science
to me.  And I don't mean to beat the "pure science vs practical beekeeping"
dead horse.

The remedy/treatment seems like a method that can be prone to user error.
The recipe, "a couple pounds of canola oil with a pound of menthol melted
over a barbecue grill" delivered to the hive via soaked blue shop towels cut
in half seems pretty "iffy" to me.

Is there a consistent per hive dosage in there?  Is there potential to
deliver too much menthol?  Is this something the honey consuming public
would want to know?  Any residues left in the honey?  How does USDA weigh in
on this method?  Menthol packets are approved, are soaked blue shop towels?

I have not heard claims one way or another about this method.  I do not
doubt that some, perhaps many beekeepers are using this back yard remedy.  I
wonder how many untold debacle stories there are to go with however many
successful claims are being made.

WARNING: Because you heard it on BEE-L does not imply truth or sanctions.

Aaron Morris - thinking bee hives don't come with kitchen sinks!