John Edwards wrote:
> ... several swarms from Flagstaff suburbs have shown up positive for
AHB...  If you check
> yer map, you'll see two canyons (Sycamore and Oak Creek) winding up from
the Phoenix area
> to within twenty miles of this beautiful city at 7000 foot elevation,
where the winter cold
> temp. record is 47 degrees (F.) below zero.

Not being familiar with the area I have to ask what the general climate is
like.  You mention a record -47dF, but that represents an extreme which may
only last for a day and then get back to normal range that could "average"
in the mid-30s.  What is the typical range in the Flagstaff region?  Cool?
Cold?  Cool from Decmeber, cold in January, witch's nipple on ground hog day
and then balmy?  For those trying to get a bearing on possible AHB range,
this might be more helpful.  And as Murray points out, lattitude may be more

Aaron Morris - thinking in the great tundra of upstate NY where we had 70dF
on 4/8 and 16 inches of snow on 4/9!!!