On 15 Feb 00, at 22:04, Ken Hoare wrote:

> From the other side of the pond I didn't know that Allen. I tend to agree
> with you that maybe the smoker will remain the only tool to use when
> working bees, but nevertheless will test Liquid Smoke myself. It would be
> interesting to know whether others that have used this substance feel the
> same as you.

I wrote this up some time ago, had a hard time getting the post
accepted, only an appeal to another moderator got it through. Perhaps
we should examin the archives??
        Liquid Smoke? It's good stuff. I used it for about 2 months at the
end of last year, and have no complaints, only praise.
        A fine spray across the entrance makes the bees run in fairly
quickly, another across the top bars on removing the inner cover and
the bees are easy to handle, without stunning them into submission.
        Making up nucs is a breeze, mixed from different hives without
fighting and speedy acceptance of the queen.
        Mind, I didn't have a control hive during my manipulations.  ;-))

The Bee Works, 5 Edith Drive, R R # 2.
Orillia, Ontario, Canada.L3V 6H2.
Phone (705)326 7171 Fax (705)325 3461
David Eyre,
e-mail<[log in to unmask]>