"BeeCrofter" wrote yesterday: >The day computers and microelectronics
go into the day to day management
>of hives in the field is the day every bee related piece of equipment
and my>33 hives get sold cheap...

Knowing from your previous posts how conscientious you are about your
beekeeping, let me be the first to make an offer on those 33 hives.
I'm just a hobbyist with 5 hives now, but all the discussion about
remote sensing devices is fascinating to someone like me who is forced
to keep his bees 89 miles from his home.  I try to check on my hives
every week, year-round, but some weeks that is impossible.  I would
love to be able to check on my bees anytime  with just a few
mouse-clicks.  My only issue would be cost.

--Rog Flanders, Nebraska, USA