Wes Crone writes:

>Is a person missing out when they don't take the time to listen to music
>they dislike?

Of course a person is.

They're missing out on something other persons by definition do get from
the music - unless we're strangely smug about our own strengths and
limitations as auditors.

The only true limitation on stretching our ears to accommodate new
imaginative ways of looking at things is the old enemy - time.

Mr Crone has decided he doesn't have time for Ligeti.  Well, my Millennium
Resolution happens to be not to waste any more of mine trying to get to
grips with old Johannes Brahms.

We're both the losers, and our inadequacies are no reflection on the
quality of two great composers, or on the pleasure that other listeners
get out of them.

Christopher Webber,  Blackheath, London,  UK.