I have only the piano quartets and piano quartets on Hyperion, but they are
among my most played CDs.  I'm not familiar with other versions of these,
but everything about them - the music, the performances, the recording,
even the covers - is, I think, just right.  Some time ago, we had a thread
about comfort music and this is high on my list.

I'd never been all that desperate to hear any of Faure's chamber music
until I saw Bertrand Tavernier's 1984 film, A Sunday in the Country (Un
Dimanche a la Campagne) which makes extensive use of it especially, IIRC,
the first piano quintet.  Nothing much happens in the film but that doesn't
matter - it's just beautiful to look at and the music complements it
perfectly.  I recommend it highly.

Richard Pennycuick
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