Don Satz responded to my post:

>...  I should have stopped there, but I also got the piano concertos in
>Hyperion's romantic piano concerto series.  I thought I was listening to
>a Liszt clone of lesser talent.  I couldn't tolerate it, and I'm a very
>tolerant person. ...
>i think I'll play tonight those three Dohnanyi cds I do like, just to get
>the taste of the piano concertos out of my mind.  Does anyone like those
>piano concertos?

I'm not mad about the second one, but I *love* the first.  I much prefer
a version played by Balint Vaszonyi which I have on an old Pye LP (c1970).
The piano playing is more outrageous and John Pritchard, usually a fairly
phlegmatic conductor, goes for broke with exciting results.  It did make
it to CD but I don't recall the label.  The Hyperion version is rather
restrained by comparison.

Richard Pennycuick
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