Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I recently departed from my usual regimen and made an order of nothing but
>French chamber works which arrived today:
>Faure piano quintets -... etc.
>Before I settle in with these recordings, I'd like list member opinions
>of the piano chamber works above and recordings of them.  ...

I have the EMI series of Faure chamber music performed by...  a bunch
of French guys (believe it or not).  These recordings are good, but the
overwhelming impression I have of Faure's chamber music is:  Icy!  (I don't
quite know why, but icy is the only description that fits my impression).
So I think you are safe from the "over-the-top" phenomenon in this
repertoire no matter which recording.

I am curious if you'll also find Faure's chamber music lacking in the
warmth department.

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