The current MHS Review lists "Haydn:  5 Symphonies"; The London Mozart
Players, Matthias Bamert.  cond.  MHS 514283A On sale, $5.19.  I wrote
to ask which five symphonies.  They kindly replied with the following
information on P-numbers and keys.  I was looking for the symphony numbers
or the Hob.  catalog numbers.  I haven't been able to figure out what
P-numbers are.  The P-numbers do not correspond with symphonies because
the keys to not match, as I list them to the right:

   P6   in A Major        is not Symphony 6, which is in D Major
   P9   in B Flat Major   is not Symphony 9, which is in C Major
   P16     G Major        is not Symphony 16, which is B-flat Major
   P26     E Flat Major   is not Symphony 26, which is D Minor
   P32     F Major        doubtless doesn't match either.

They checked the CD itself and liners and inform me that is all the
information they have.  Does anyone know what symphonies are on this disk?
What the P-numbers mean? (I have an awful feeling I ought to know and it
escapes me.) And I confess I can't recall the conductor either.  Has anyone
heard the disk? I hope all this is only a mystery to me -- I'd appreciate
some education from list members!

Merry Musical Christmas, Keith Dixon