I've been given a promotional copy of a 1998 CD of songs by Reynaldo
Hahn, not usually a facet of music I delve into much.  I'd heard of Roger
Vignoles, the pianist, but not Susan Graham, the soprano. I idly put it
in the CD player and the first song, A Chloris, was sheer magic.  It has
an intensely beautiful piano introduction which demands attention, and would
not be out of place in a Handel keyboard suite.  The vocal line is equally
moving.  This is probably old news to devotees of the genre, but for me, it
was an unexpected delight.  Fortunately, there are twenty-three other songs
on the CD and some have already imprinted themselves.  Unfortunately, being
a promo, all I have is the titles, so I'll be paying Mimi's daughter's web
site a visit in search of some words.

I'd also like to know something more of Susan Graham.

Richard Pennycuick
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