John lewis:

>...a week or so ago there was a Minnesota Orchestra broadcast with him
>(Mark Wigglwesworth) conducting Mahler's 10th (Cooke version).  I thought
>it was fabulous, but I'm a little biased since I grew up in St Paul.  I
>tried to tape it but sadly I didn't switch tapes fast enough between
>movements 3 and 4.

If you can find it, the BBC mag a while back has a cd of a broadcast
with him and the BBC Wales doing the Mahler 10th.  Really a fabulous
performance.  Few readings I've heard have captured the hallucinatory
atmosphere of the inner movements.  What's continually impressed me about
MW is his willingness to take risks, including unfashionably fast tempi
(very much unlike Rattle at a similar point).

Robin Mitchell-Boyask
Temple University
Philadelphia PA 19122