Donald Satz ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Although Gelb has been destroying much of what I liked about Sony
>recordings, I have the feeling that, financially, he's doing well for

He could probably do even better by dropping the entire classical catalogue
- except for Charlotte Church and the soundtrack from Titanic.  But surely
his job is to head up the classical division, which I would imagine meant
making a profit *and* making records.

>...  We can do it ourselves if we choose to, and there's a maximum of
>sources for our listening pleasure.  If the "state" was in charge, the
>choices would be meagre and of even lower quality.  The only thing a public
>source does better than a private one is to waste money and time.

I don't imagine Dave wants us to go off at a political tangent, but where
is your evidence for this Don, especially as related to the arts?

Deryk Barker
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