Robert wrote:

>My resolution is to buy more late 20th century pieces by people whose last
>names aren't Glass, Reich or Adams.  I'm thinking about starting with the
>Varese -- Complete Orchestral Works set.  Any comments, suggestions?

Seeing as Varese died in 1963, I wouldn't really consider him late 20th
century.  His most important works date from the 20s and the 30s.  However,
don't let this stop you from buying Chailly's set (which is what I assume
you're referring to)--it's an excellent and important document of this
fantastic composer whose music sounds more modern than many composers
working today.

If you want to break out of the "minimalist" rut--althought Adams' latest
music is anything but minimalist--I would go for some Ligeti, Knussen,
Dutilleux, and/or late Takemitsu---music that is beautifully crafted and
accessible but undeniably modern.


Marcus Maroney
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