Steven Martin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I have heard great things about the Lutoslawksi cycle on Naxos.  Since I've
>got a little spare change in my there any particular disk in
>this cycle that I should grab first?

Jeez...  can I suggest two? The one with Symphony #4 and the Partita for
Violin and Orchestra, and the one with Symphony #3 and two orchestral song
cycles-- "Paroles Tissees" and "Les Espaces du Sommeil".  I think you have
to hear his symphonic, concerto, and voice-with-orchestra styles to get the
picture.  With all the Xmas sales going on you oughtta be able to get the
two of those for $5 each.  By the way, is your email tag a reference to the
XTC album?

Jon Lewis
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