Analekta is an enterprising Canadian record company.  Tafelmusik, under
its director, Jeanne Lamon, is an excellent period instrument group which
has over 50 recordings under its belt, the majority for Sony.  Karina
Gauvin is a fine soprano who recently was the lead vocalist for an Analekta
disc devoted to Bach's Little Notebook for Anna Magdalena.  Handel is a
great composer.  Putting them all together is an attractive proposition,
and I'm sure Analekta felt likewise.

So, we now have this disc from Analekta of Handel arias and instrumental
pieces from the operas Alcina and Agrippina.  I had high expectations,
and the first three tracks from Alcina confirmed them.  All instrumental,
Tafelmusik is right on target with all the pungency, zest, and elegance I
could want.  Then comes the first aria, and I notice that all is not well.
Gauvin displays a flutter in her voice which is not attractive.  In some of
the arias, it's infrequent; in others it bothered me some.

Although about one-third of the disc is purely instrumental, I still think
that the vocal soloist is the heart of the recording, so I can't give this
disc an unqualified recommendation.  I remember Gauvin as a better singer
on the Bach disc, but I'll have to return to it to make sure.

There are certainly alternatives to this recording.  There's the complete
Agrippina on Harmonia Mundi with better vocalists.  And, there are Handel
recital discs from the likes of Scholl, Hunt, Daniels, Gens, Kirby, Bowman,

The one "ace" that the Analekta disc provides is a great period instrument
orchestra.  I don't expect to throw the disc in my "might discard" piles
just yet.  But, I also don't expect to listen to it as often as many other
Handel recordings I have.

Don's Conclusion:  Sample the vocalist first.  If she appeals to your
tastes, you will have an outstanding recording.  Otherwise, spend your
money elsewhere.

Don Satz
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