"Tore F. Steenslid" wrote:

>Decca released a very good recording with Cecilia Bartoli and June Anderson
>in 1993.  It's available on Decca 436 209-2.  I have it and I like it a
>lot.  ...

This reminds me that I also bought a Vivaldi recording of rather unkown
arias by the unlikely combination of Cecilia Bartoli and Il Giardino
Armonico.  Now here is a weird hybrid product.  Bartoli sings *belcanto*
with heavy vibrato and IGA play *Hipper than HIP*.  Not for purists,
this one.  But I happen to *love* it.  I *love* Bartoli's voice and her
astonishing pianissimi followed by passionate forte's and I think no
ensemble plays Vivaldi like IGA does and I can stand the combination too.
Does anybody know this recording? I'm very interested to know what other
list members think of this one.
