John Smyth replied to  Steven Schwartz's review

>Do you find Rattle's account of Szymanowski's 3rd symphony middle of the
>road as well?  Are there better accounts?

I don't have the time to write as much as Steven.  But, coincidentally I
have just obtained the Rattle recording.  I found it excellent in every
way.  Yes I agree with Steven's statement about the high quality of the
performers.  But, I also find Rattle's conducting very sure-footed.  Be
aware, though, that this is the only version I've heard.

I concur that The Stabat Mater and Litania Do Marii Panny stand above
the Symphony No3.  However it is not a bad work in fact it's enjoyable.
It's just that it's partners on this disc are so illustrious in MHO.

The soprano singing on this recording is absolutely haunting and the sound
quality is top notch..

Bob Draper
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