Donald Satz wrote:

>Bob Draper has been providing his good opinions of what I gather is a very
>large Bach series on Brilliant Classics.  I've also read of this series on
>another list (Bach Recordings).
>But, most of the postings I've read are sketchy concerning dates of
>recording, instrumentation, and the performers involved.  Also, I have no
>idea where these recordings can be found in the USA.

Unless there's more than one company by that name, you can find Brilliant
Classics CDs in Berkshire's catalog.  ( Click
on "Search Our Online Catalog"; then on "Advanced", which is the search
engine that goes by label, then put in "Brilliant Classics" in the label
window, "go", and you will find, as of the time I'm typing this, twenty-one
selections at prices too good to believe.  Examples are an 8-CD album of
Handel oratorios for US15.92; a 5-CD set of great pianists of the century
for US$9.95.

Walter Meyer