Jonathan Knapp <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>As we approach the holiday season, when most of us spend our hard
>earned cash on cds, and the end of the millenium, I thought it might be
>nice to reflect back on the opera recordings of the century and select
>some definitive recordings.  ...

Yes, but how to pick a definite recordinh of the Ring? They all have their

But at least, must haves are:

1. Der Ring des Nibelungen: Moedl/Windgassen/Frantz etc /Furtwaengler (1953)
2. Der Ring des Nibelungen: Nilsson/Windgassen etc /Solti

Others excellent performances I want to include are:

3. Die Meistersinger aus Nuernberg: Karajan
4. Eine nacht in Venedig: Steiner (1938)
5. Il Barbiere di Siveglia: Chially

And I sit on the detailed info of course...

Mats Norrman
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