Don Satz spoke thusly:

>The only ranking order for Bach's works that has any validity is the one
>that an individual possess.  The notion of a "consensus" of ranking means
>nothing.  There's just no sense in declaring from some objective pedestal
>that the WTC is better than the Suites which are better than the concerti.

But this week Don, in responding to Scott Morrison's entreaty as to why one
would presume to choose between Mendelssohn or Schuman, gave us the ideal
reply to the above sentiments:

>But I believe that all of us make these choices on a daily basis through
>what we listen to and/or purchase.  Add up all those days and you get a
>result.  Besides, this is all in fun.  It's not like deciding whether to
>save one child vs.  another.

Don, I have patched the above posts together as a public service. Thanks
for clearing this up. ;-)

Tim Dickinson
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