Anna Kruener wrote:

>Mr. Haimovitz's recording of Kol Nidre was my first clue that this was
>indeed a young man to watch in the future.  Although I do not see that he
>tours much here in the western part of North America.

I guess Anna means the DG CD with Saint-Saens & Lalo Cello Concertos.

He performed those works at the age of 17 (July, 1988).

BTW, in the booklet is wrote:

   The widow of Pablo Casals honored him with the loan of her husband's
   Matteo Goffriller cello.  On the Goffriller cello which he now plays,
   Matt Haimovitz hopes that the spirit of that gesture, and the affinity
   which he feels for the sound of such as instrument, will be continued.

I'm sure it has been continued.
